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256 GB Samsung 840 Pro - 2.5 inch 6G SSD w/ MaxConnect Optical Bay Unibody kit w/USB External Enclosure

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MaxConnect MacBook Pro

New OCZ Vertex 3 [with onboard SandForce® 2281 Controller], 240GB 6Gb/sec (SATA III interface) installed in MacBook Pro 17 inch 2.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor model, Sustained Data Transfer rate (Read/Write) exceeding 500+ MB/sec on a single onboard 6Gb/sec SATA Channel .


MaxConnect MacBook Pro

MaxUpgrades offers MaxConnect Optical bay kit to install second SATA hard drive in the Optical Drive bay of the Unibody Macbooks (13 inch Models) and Macbook Pros (13 inch, 15 inch & 17 inch Models) offering users two SATA Data Channels.



MaxConnect MacBook Pro

Dual SSD Drives Test: 100GB OCZ Vertex 2 [Sandforce SF-1200 Series Controller] delivering unprecedented performance in RAID 0 configuration and pushing limits in both sequential and random read/write rates on a 3Gb/sec internal SATA Ports , these Transfer rates were achieved earlier on 4x 15k SAS Drives Striped RAID 0 configuration on a Mac Pro, [each Vertex 2 --- performance in 4k file writes up to 50,000 IOPS ], MacBook Pro 2010 Core i7 shown on the image. SandForce SF-1200 Series Controller based SSD drives are available in 400GB/200GB / 100GB /50GB Capacities with 28% over-provisioning, and 60GB/120/240GB/480GB are available with 7% over-provisioning.

MaxConnect MacBook Pro

MaxConnect Optical Bay kits are compatible with MacBook Pros 17/15/13 inch Models [Feburay 2011] with latest intel quad-core Sandy Bridge Core i7 and dual-core Core i5, i7 processors
Memory Upgrades for MacBook Pros & MacBooks Unibody
Memory Upgrades for iMacs
Memory Upgrades for Mac Mini
Memory Upgrades for Mac Pro 12-Core /8-Core /6-Core [Westmere]August 2010
Memory Upgrades for Mac Pro 4-Core [Nehalem] August 2010

500+ MB/sec with MaxConnect for iMac 2009-2010 Models
500+ MB/sec with MaxConnect Optical Bay kit for Mini 2009-2010 Models


MaxConnect MacBook Pro

MaxConnect MacBook Pro
New USB Bus powered compact External Enclosure for 9.5 mm Optical Drive. [P/N:SZ-MBUOPT357UEC]

MaxConnect MacBook Pro

MaxConnect MacBook Pro

Shown above is test of the Dual Intel SSD's [Intel X-25m G2] configured as striped RAID 0 Volume.

MaxConnect MacBook Pro

MaxUpgrades offers External Enclosure for the 9.5 mm Optical SATA Drive of the MacBook Pro Unibody Models, The Enclosure has eSATA and USB 2.0 interface and supports Auxilary DC Power for the Optical Drive.

DVD Case without CD

MaxUpgrades External Enclosure eSATA/USB for the Optical Drive to fit small form factor of 6 inch x 6-1/4 inch and only 1 inch high.




P/N Part Description
SZ-MBOPT840PSAM256-01 256GB Samsung 840 Pro- 2.5 inch 6G SSD w/ MaxConnect Optical Bay Unibody kit w/USB External Enclosure
  • MacBook Pros & MacBooks Unibody [Late 2008-2009-2010-2011] Models
  • 256GB Samsung 840 Pro - 2.5 inch 6G/sec  Solid State Disk Drive.
  • Sustained Read: up to 540MB/s 6Gb/sec
  • Sustained Write: up to 520 MB/s 6Gb/sec
  • 5-Year Warranty
  • Samsung Warranty and Support
  • MaxConnect Optical Bay kit replaces SATA 9.5mm Optical Drives
  • Laptop Upgrade kit 7-pcs Tool Set T5/T6/T8/ Philip #00 / Flat Head/ Two Pcs Pry Tools
  • External Enclosure USB Interface [USB Bus Powered] for the SATA 9.5mm Optical Drive
  • Mounting Screws and Hex Keys.
  • 1-2 Day(s) Delivery.

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Install SSD (Solid State Drives) Intel X-25/OCZ/Samsung inside a Mac Pro
Install Eight Disk Drives Inside Mac Pro [Nehalem] Intel Xeon March [2009] Models
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MaxConnect SAS/SATA Link with Multilane MiniSAS to MiniSAS Cable
MaxConnect SATA Link with 4-Port SATA RAID Controller for Mac Pro Systems
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max_flow for 800 MHz FB-DIMM Memory Cooling Mac Pro System [Early 2008 Models]
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